So far, so good

What for should I ask more

Monday, November 30, 2009

Never lost, always found (19): Go, get set, ready

Amidst all the talk of uncertainty, of dangers and perils that awaits us due to climate change or in the upcoming national and local elections; in spite of the seeming victory of the wicked and the vile; in the face of personal struggles and communal sorrow, I remain confident and put my faith in the Lord, defer to His wisdom, and embrace His kindness.

The days are coming, says the LORD,
when I will fulfill the promise
I made to the house of Israel and Judah.
In those days, in that time,
I will raise up for David a just shoot ;
he shall do what is right and just in the land.
In those days Judah shall be safe
and Jerusalem shall dwell secure;
this is what they shall call her:
“The LORD our justice.”
Jeremiah 13:14-16

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