PhotoHunt: Hands

A doctor's hands can excise a tumor, repair a broken limb, bandage a wound. But healing is not a duty and responsibility that is exclusively for doctors.
Whenever we listen to a friend's incessant rants about a boyfriend that is SO not into her; or sit beside a co-worker who has just lost a parent; or help a neighbor decide whether to stay in the country or migrate to the US, we, too, regardless of our degree or profession (or lack thereof), do our bit to become healers.
By virtue of our humanity, we have the innate capacity (duty and responsibility, actually!) to minister to one another, to excise the trouble tumor of anger, repair broken relationships, bandage a wounded spirit.

What needs healing as well is our environment. No matter how insignificant our singular, tiny effort may seem, when done in concert with a million, billion others, it WILL make an impact, more than we can ever imagine.
Don't forget to VOTE FOR EARTH and join EARTH HOUR 2009!
Lights out today, Saturday, March 28, from 8.30pm to 9.30pm!
Labels: an advocacy you can be part of, Being human, photography, PhotoHunt, the Philippines